Big Sky Country & Our New Home!

Well, I wrapped up my last blog as we were heading north out of Florida, or at least I thought we were.  We started having problems with the slides on our RV before we got very far.  At first the large slide wouldn’t close and we cannot drive down the highway with a 2 foot…

Acadia Park, Maine and then southward bound…

I know this is late but we’ve been so busy this last month. I really don’t know how we ever had time to work!  But I am really excited to tell you about Acadia National Park in Maine.  We made this reservation in March and had really been looking forward to it.  Funny how things…

This is what we do this for…

Last week we camped in Bandit’s Roost Campground, an Army Corps of Engineers campground in Wilkesboro, NC.  It was a great camping experience mostly because we were lucky to get the perfect campsite.  There was a walk down onto our own private patio area right on the lake with lots of shade.  We built campfires almost…

Rainy days and Mondays…

There’s an old song that goes “rainy days and Mondays always get me down”.  Well, that’s definitely not the case today.  I wasn’t planning on blogging today as I didn’t think there was much going on but then it turned out to be another exceptional day in our life.  (It’s starting to look like all…

We’re getting there…

Well, we spent the day in Kissimmee getting all of the tow equipment and wiring installed on our car so that we can tow it behind our motorhome.  It looks soooo big now. Ray checking the wiring on our “big rig”. And then off we go!  We drove our caravan to our home base, Sumter…

About to begin!

So hard to believe that our new adventure is really beginning!  This all started about one year ago when we decided to sell our business, purchase a motorhome, sell our house and most of our belongings and travel around this beautiful country of ours. Our business sold quicker than we would have ever guessed and we…